Hi! I’m Dr. Emily Taylor Yunker, a veterinarian and clinical herbalist. I’m passionate about nurturing animals, children, and everyone, with approaches to wellness and illness that encourage engaged connection and integrated approaches.
I am a mother to two preschool children and I love how the time of early childhood dovetails so beautifully with healthy living. I am a busy woman with a job and a family and now a blog! Nurturing myself is a consistent challenge and one that is easy to avoid during this time in my life. This blog is a way to engage with my community of other “crunchy moms”, pet lovers, aspiring herbalists, working parents, and those who want to live consciously and with intention in this busy world.
I completed my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 2013 from Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. I started my training in motherhood in 2014 with my first pregnancy and the birth of my first child. After a few moves and career changes, I started a comprehensive training in Veterinary Herbal Medicine in 2017. I grew a baby at the same time and she was born in 2018. I finally completed that training in 2019 and started my Integrative Veterinary Medicine consultation practice at Quartet Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Cary, NC.
Prior to graduating with my DVM, I did various apprenticeships and externships and electives with some amazing teachers including Susun Weed, Barbara Fougere, Susan Wynn, and Barbara Kempainen. Prior to veterinary school I did some teaching and laboratory research in microbiology and the antibiotic effects of herbs at the University of Texas A&M Corpus Christi.
I am now offering home visits as part of my veterinary practice in Chatham County, North Carolina. My newest project is helping whole families learn about nutrition, herbs, and natural parenting! I would love to meet with your family to help you meet your personal and health goals with the magic and science of herbs!
Each post will be labeled based on topic, but each post will inevitably relate to several topics. Posts will rotate through the major headings of: holistic pet care; holistic self-care; holistic parenting (including pregnancy and birth, as well as child development topics); and intentional living topics. Because wellness is about integration, and not fragmentation. Holism is the goal, not compartmentalization. We are one being, composed of many parts, so let’s talk about that.
